We’re super happy that the first official playthrough and tutorial is going live! Filmed and explained by Paul Grogan aka Gaming Rules – streamed live on Saturday, September 14th. Tune in and say hi! https://www.youtube.com/embed/gWh2uen6bkM
Interview with Stefan Feld & Viktor Kobilke – Part 3
Welcome back to Part 3 of the interview: Scope and Balance of Civolution. Anni: Are you worried that people might see it as ‘too much’? Stefan: Yes, you can counter that you’ll never please everyone and that we have to manage to avoid creating expectations in the wrong direction, so to speak. And we’re already […]
Interview with Stefan Feld & Viktor Kobilke – Part 2
Welcome back to Part 2! Todays topic: Game mechanics, Fine-tuning, challenges Anni: Stefan, what do you think of the finished game now? You played it again last year for the first time after a long break, didn’t you? Stefan: Exactly, I think it’s sensational and it’s so, so much better than what I brought in […]
Interview with Stefan Feld & Viktor Kobilke – Part 1
A few weeks ago, I, Annika, had the opportunity to Interview Stefan and Viktor about their journey to Civolution. We talked for more than an hour and we split the whole talk into 3 parts for you. The parts will all be posted this week so stay tuned! The whole talk was in German and […]
Meet V.I.C.I. – The Solo Mode
Civolution comes with a Solo Mode we haven’t really talked about. So it’s time for you to meet V.I.C.I., your companion and opponent for the solo version: Hi, I’m V.I.C.I!I’m an I-CIV entity that was created to enable you to experience Civolution all by yourself as a 2-player game. I simulate a rival civilization through […]
The Game Boards
Let’s continue the introduction to the individual parts of the Civolution Besides the continent and the consoles, we have two game boards, the progress board and the sequence board. They are essential for all players and guide you through the game. The progress board The progress board is home of the progress tracks. You track […]
„Just one more turn“
Guest article by Anton Torres of Pegasus Spiele North America Civolution is a magnificent opus in the genre of civilization games, one of my favorite categories, yet Civolution stands alone. Unlike every other civilization title in my game library, Civolution breaks free from earth’s past. You will not find direct references to familiar events, locations, […]
The Continent
Meet the continent! At the center of the table, all players need to access the continent. It’s where your tribes live and spread, where your buildings are built, and where you get most of your resources from. The continent is built out of 8 continent tiles that can be arranged differently each time you play […]
The Console
Welcome to the Console! (all pictures are taking with the German version, but you can check the rulebook to see the English one) This is the heart of Civolution and it’s the place where you control your actions. Now that the rulebook is online, you can look at all the actions you can take in […]
The Rulebook
If you’ve got nothing to do on the upcoming summer weekend, we prepared a good read for you! After asking us for months we finally decided to reveal the rulebook of Civolution to you. Don’t let the 44 pages scare you away: It’s around 10 pages setup instructions and another 6 about the solo game. […]